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Grace KIDS

About Grace KIDS

Sunday School Signup

At Grace KIDS we strive to have a welcoming atmosphere where children can experience God’s love, form lifelong friendships with each other, and become disciples of Jesus Christ.

Children’s ministry is truly a ministry of the sower. We plant seeds of truth in hearts, parents and church water it, and God causes the seed to grow. The seeds come from the Word of God. Each Biblical truth learned during a lesson is a seed planted that has great potential.
“So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” Romans 10:17

Our goal is to raise strong generations of born again Christians who are baptized in the Holy Spirit and are ready to go out and preach the good news to the world.

“We are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building” 1 Corinthians 3:9

Want to be a part of the Grace KIDS team? Let us know you are interested in serving with us

Sunday School Signup

Want To Send Your Child To Sunday School?

Please register your child so we have some information about them and can assign them a class

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